Think I'll be more active here. Every other day I'll write something for people here to enjoy. Things I've written and made for over thirty years. Okay, ACHO
Harrights! I'm full blooded native by the way. I can say n i g g a. As an artist and writer too.
Jack Skellington was the instructor, and he goes.
'Captains Log.
I'm high.
Plays golf with the president.
It's a nice and sunny day in Pleasantvillle. Some clouds are here and there. The grass was freshly cut and Spring was in the air. It smelled like french toast.
The president swings perfectly. and it lands right next to the hole. Maybe ten feet away from it. One more swing he thinks to himself. A ball of sweat rolls down his forehead.
He plays with another old man, about the same age. We'll call him Muck The Turtle, people called him that because he was missing his front teeth and couldn't properly say his own name, or simply Muck he would say. He swings and it lands next to a sand pit in a puddle from where he started.
"Hmm, at least an alligator didn't eat it." He walks to his ball.
The president gets into his golf cart to his ball. He hits the side of the ball accidentally and it goes the other direction.
Muck hits his golf ball out of the puddle, and into the sandpit.
The president swings again, but a gust of wind made it roll down a hill.
Muck hits his golf ball and its back on the green.
The president hits his ball too hard and it went over. It lands in the parking lot.
Muck lightly taps his ball closer. A foot at a time.
The president throws his golf club into the parking lot, and it breaks one of the rear view mirrors of the cars in there. The president gets another club and swings again and it lands back right the green.
It slowly keeps rolling.
It hits Mucks ball and falls in.
The presidents ball rolls into the lake.
"Well, that was fun." Said Muck.
The presidents face was turning red. "Okay, fine."
"You know we have a word for people who turn red, you know what it is?"
"What?" Said the President.
"Muck-oo." Muck went back home, and so did the president.
The president got into his vehicle. On his way home he got into an accident.. A vehicle didn't see him trying to switch lanes."
Cool. I got about thirty characters to fill up. Should take me half an hour to fill it up.
Tomorrow. I'm going to start a series. It's called.
10000 ways to die, no? The Forensic Factor!
It stars all the residential children that died from rape and murder.
n i g g a