'Okay Honey.'
Universe 173224
I'll be editing this all day until I'm happy with it. Try to say your own name when you fly out that door. You can borrow mine if you want?
The Trickster plays in the background.
"Hello Everybody." Jack's dark gravely voice.
The Pumpkin King is dancing to away in front of the troopers side to side and bobbing his head. 'We up all night to get lucky.' Using his ribs as an xylophone. No one pays really attention to him. Half of them are praying.
"ALRIGHT! We have arrived at our destination."
"I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this." It was some skrawny fresh 18 year old bambi.
The guy in the last is always my favorite..
We are going to be learning something straight forward and simple.
Parachute jumping!
When the door opens air will rushing into the cabin.'
The door opens.
Jack's mouth is flapping away. His mouth reads PUT ON YOUR F*CKENHELMET!
'You won't be able to hear nothing at all.
Let that burst of air wake you up.
It's time to put on your helmet.
We can communicate as we begin our descent.
The most important thing is to reserve your nerves.
When you can think properly, you'll see that there is actually enough room for two through THAT door.'
"What door?" The skinny Guy's eye balls dart all over the place.
"The emergency door!"
"Wait,.. What?"
Pull on cord!"
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can-"
"It's okay Cupcake, They're there. They're there."
He pats and comforts him on the back.
Then he pushes Guy out the door. :'D